"When the screen glows, press the button at that moment"By repeating this simple movement, you will train your eye-brain-muscle transmission.Reaction time can be shared with players around the world, and if youre in the top 5% of the rankings, youre good for E-Sports.The game has "single color mode" and "five color mode".In "single color mode", you can press any of the five buttons at the moment of lighting. This training trains eye-brain (perception) -muscle neurotransmission."Five color mode" is a little more difficult, it judges the shining color and selects the appropriate color from the five buttons. This training trains eye-brain (perception / judgment) -muscle neurotransmission.In either case, any mistakes will result in "GAME OVER" and will not be recorded.It leads to training of various sports as well as E-Sports. It also helps prevent dementia.